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Chimney Balloon Installation
Chimney Balloon is a 9 x 9 Chimney balloon inside of a 9-inch round tube. You attach the inflation tube to the bottom and then prepare the material by pulling up on the white cap and stretching the sides. After you do the your measurement that means you would use a...
Who can measure and install a Chimney Balloon for me?
Measure and install a Chimney Balloon Q: Who can come out to get the size needed for the installation of the Chimney Balloon? Do they install? - MR A: Dear MR, If you prefer not to do the sizing and install of a Chimney Balloon yourself, you can have your local...
I have a huge fireplace with no damper. How big do you make your Chimney Balloons?
Q: Dear Jason, Attached is a picture of a very large fireplace in our 260 year old home. You will also see another picture of the flue are of this fireplace at eye level when I am standing in the fireplace. As you can see this is a very large fireplace (10...