Q: Jason – I have a gas fireplace and I get a headache and get sick every time I run it for a long period of time. I started running vaporizers or humidifiers when I run the fireplace and now I’m not getting headaches or sick. – BE

A: BE, I don’t mean to be an alarmist here, but you have a very serious problem with your fireplace. It is obviously putting out a serious amount of Carbon Monoxide. This is a lethal problem!

I could try to troubleshoot this for you on the phone but I need you to promise 3 things to me first. You must do them all at the same time.

  1. Do NOT use your fireplace
  2. Buy a carbon monoxide tester today in case there is another contributing factor in your home.
  3. Call a local reputable fireplace dealer or chimney sweep to look at your fireplace.

OK, that said, I feel better now that you won’t die while I am typing this letter. There is any number of things that could be causing your fireplace issue. I am certain your humidifiers are not correcting the issue. You likely have an obstruction in your flue, or an insufficient draft, or some mechanical issue with your gas fixture. I could try to go over this with you but it would be time and money well spent to bring in a local pro to look it over in person. If you have any specific questions though please let me know. – Jason