My fireplace is giving me a headache, litterally!

Q: Jason - I have a gas fireplace and I get a headache and get sick every time I run it for a long period of time. I started running vaporizers or humidifiers when I run the fireplace and now I'm not getting headaches or sick. - BE A: BE, I don't mean to be an...

How to seal plug a chimney with no damper.

How to seal plug a chimney with no damper.

Mikes Chimney Q: Jason, We are trying to measure our chimney interior, but it is definitely impossible for us to get an accurate measurement. I personally thought it was about 24" x 15", while my financée thinks it's 16" x 14"... We need to guess because we cannot...

20 cost free ways to save on energy.

This was an interesting blog entry about an article by Consumer Reports: This article is actually about another article in Consumer reports but I find this Blog about energy Efficiency and the...

Ending energy waste through light bulbs

I mostly write on saving heat through conservation and good practice. This blog speaks more on a wholistic approach to save energy. Here is a great article on ditching energy-wasting light bulbs.

Article on marketing products “Green”

This was a relatively interesting article on how Marketing and advertising efforts are focusing on Green Products in 2007. Here is a link to the article in Financial Times here is a long link to the article

An article and video on how to save energy

Here is a very short but effective article on how to save energy and save money on the electrical bill. This blog is a respected authority on Home improvements in the Denver CO area. Be sure to see the video link in this article on references to get help on consuming...
