Q: Jason, I am very interested in this fantastic product. I live in Australia – do you have any reps here that I can purchase one from? I have a ‘Coonara’ style fireplace. Its a freestanding wood fire with glass door and a flue that goes up into the plaster roof lining and up outside where it has a pointed swivel thing that moves with the direction of the wind. My problem is that when its windy we have an enormous amount of wind noise that belts down the flue, even with the flue closed. Can I use one of your products?? If so would I have to take the swivel thing off of the roof to add the Chimney Balloon? Thanks very much for taking the time to read my question and I await in anticipation your response. Regards, CS – Melbourne Australia.
A: Dear CS, First I will answer your question about the chimney. The weather-vain on the top will not interfere with the Chimney Balloon installation at all, but it may be causing some of the wind noise you are experiencing. and the Chimney Balloon should work well with a Coonara style fireplace. The only hang up may be if the baffles in the fire box give you access to the chimney. You need to be able to touch the chimneys interior in order to install a Chimney Balloon.
For ordering you will receive better service through the New Zealand distributor which can be reached through the website www.chimneyballoons.co.nz or this number 03-314 3832. You will want to speak with Kathy (email: [email protected]), and i am sure she will be happy to serve you.